Thursday 24 October 2013

My first blog post!

I want to start off by introducing myself my name is Hazel, I've been pretty obsessed with beauty blogs for a long time and really wanted to start but wasnt sure how until i googled it and here I am!
Ive always loved everything make up and beauty since first year in secondary school and since that time my make up application and beauty regime has changed a lot.
Why I was so interested to start a blog was because I dont have amazing skin unfortunately I get a lot of breakouts and have oily skin I keep it at bay most times but I really do try a lot of products to help my skin.
I also have a little bit of a backround in beauty  and I am a trained Beauty Therapist.
This year has been a big year for me I got married in August coming up the wedding I was trying lots of products so I have plenty to review!
So thats me I hope you guys like me and my blog 

Hazel xx

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